November 5th - 7th, 2024 | Toronto, ON

Optimize Your Enrolment and
Drive Student Success

Discover trends, learn best practices, and build invaluable connections.

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Why SEMM Forum?

Our goal is student success. The outcome is institutional success.

When professionals learn from peers at other institutions and share Canadian-made solutions across silos, organizational goals can be achieved, and students benefit as a result.

SEMM Forum provides an opportunity for everyone on campus to have a positive and sustainable impact on the institutional outcomes that support student success.

We believe that every individual working in post-secondary education deserves the chance to unlock their full potential to support student success, regardless of financial barriers. We're thrilled to offer a unique opportunity for passionate individuals to attend our upcoming conference at no cost through our scholarship program. You can learn more here.

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Develop a SEMM culture across your institution:

Explore every factor impacting enrolment
Discover innovative Canadian approaches from SEMM peers
Get your whole team on the same page by learning together
Implement changes to achieve your goals

Call for Proposals

We invite you to submit a session proposal and share your unique perspectives, insights, and successes with us. Proposals will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, so submit your session proposal early to avoid disappointment.

Submit Proposal Register Now

Curious about what we're looking for in a proposal?

  1. Relevance, Replicability and “Freshness”

    We want you to submit proposals that will allow you to show others how to do what you did so that it might benefit their institution. Offering your perspective and insights on topics that are relevant to leaders in SEM, such as:

    • Innovative enrolment and retention practices
    • Programs or initiatives that have provided specific KPI improvements
    • A focus on embracing and implementing programs related to diversity, equity, inclusion and/or indigeneity
    • Creative and impactful uses of data and technology
    • Improvements related to access, transition, persistence and graduation for all and/or specific student groups
    • Collaboration among departments, faculties and units across the institution supporting enrolment efforts.
    • Top-quality student-centred service models or support initiatives
    • Insightful research or experiences that can guide better decision-making
    • Beneficial partnerships with external partners such as other institutions, community stakeholders and vendors.
  2. Clear Learning Outcomes

    Be as specific as you can about what you want your presentation to “produce” and how you will make this happen. Conference participants want knowledge and skills they can take back to their home campuses and apply immediately.

  3. Metrics or Measurements

    What measures of success did you apply to this initiative, program, or innovation? How did you use metrics to evaluate the success of your goals for this project, and what did you learn from this process? (Pro Tip: It can also be helpful to identify unexpected outcomes - not just the goals you made at the start of the process.)

  4. Compelling & Engaging

    Give your presentation a title and description that will inform and attract the right audience to your session. Then seek opportunities to engage participants with interesting examples or case studies and opportunities to address their specific questions.

Who Should Attend?

The SEMM Forum is for anyone involved in attracting, recruiting, or engaging students in their post-secondary experience in Canada. This includes strategic enrolment leaders, marketers, recruiters, registrars, senior administration, deans, student services and other professionals.

Each concurrent timeslot will have multiple workshops or roundtables to ensure that every hour includes relevant learning opportunities for all delegates in areas such as: SEM, recruitment, PSE marketing, student success, and international.

Here are some of the job titles of those who attended recent SEMM Forums:

  • Director of Recruitment and Admissions
  • Assistant Director, Student Recruitment
  • Director, Enrolment
  • Vice-President Academic Affairs and Registrar
  • Associate Director, Strategic Enrolment Management
  • Provost & Vice President
  • Registrar
  • Registrar & Director of Admissions
  • Associate Director, Student Services
  • Associate Registrar
  • Associate Registrar, Admissions & Recruitment
  • Associate Vice-President, Student Affairs
  • Enrolment Advisor
  • Chief Recruitment Officer
  • Dean
  • Recruitment Specialist
  • Director of Enrolment Services
  • Director of Finance
  • Director of Institutional Data Analysis & Planning
  • Director of Marketing
  • Director of Student Services
  • Director SEM
  • Manager, International Student Recruitment
  • Manager of Student Services & Athletics
  • Marketing & Recruitment Manager
  • Director of Admissions
  • Director of Communications and Marketing
  • Director, Admissions & Student Recruitment
  • Director, Academic Initiatives & Planning
  • Director, International Marketing & Recruitment
  • Director, Undergraduate Recruitment
  • Student Recruitment Officer
  • Registrar, Student Services
  • Executive Director of Student Experience
  • Executive Director, Student Services

Your Action Plan

1. Register your team today at the best rates. 1. Register your team today at the best rates.
2. Learn, make connections, and discover new strategies and tactics. 2. Learn, make connections, and discover new strategies and tactics.
3. Exceed your goals and objectives back on campus. 3. Exceed your goals and objectives.


See what past attendees say about the SEMM Forum.

"What I like about the SEMM Forum Conference is the networking you get to do. We are all on the same SEMM journey, perhaps at different times, different structures, and it is great to see where everyone is at. To network and learn best practices, as it is a constant learning, education journey."

Janene Christiansen

Registrar and Associate Vice-President, Strategic Enrolment, George Brown College

"This is my first time at the SEMM Forum Conference, and it has been a fantastic experience so far. There are lots of people who have got experience, knowledge, and understanding of SEMM in different ways. The opportunity to be part of the conversion, and to learn from others is absolutely invaluable."

Jenn Goodwin

Vice President, Enrolment and College Relations, Okanagan College

"Strategic Enrolment Management is a very complex issue and it is becoming even more complicated. It is really important that we, as people that work in enrolment management get together for a forum that is for Canadians. It is wonderful to hear perspectives from different colleges and universities across the country on how they're trying to address some of these complex issues as we all try to manage our enrolments for the future."

Jamie Bramburger

Manager of Community and Student Affairs, Algonquin College

"I thoroughly enjoyed and found all sessions I attended over the two days to be very timely, relevant, and ultimately valuable in my work."

Erika Wright

Erika Wright

Digital Engagement and Campus Experiences Specialist, University of Guelph-Humber

"The conference was such a valuable experience, as attending allowed me to give myself permission to put away other work and focus on the key topics at hand. Although the ability to network, research and analyze enrolment management content is always available to us, conferences with colleagues offer a unique opportunity to sink into the information and networks both organically and with attention. I found it helpful to learn how others were putting the sessions into context for their specific institutions and to get a sense of where we all were, along the SEMM path, in relation to one another. I took many notes, had aha moments, ate well and made new friends! Thanks to the hosts and presenters!"

Holly MacDonald

Holly MacDonald

CRM-Advise Retention Specialist, Cape Breton University

"This was my first SEMM Forum and I was thoroughly impressed by the quality of the sessions and the opportunity to connect with and learn from colleagues across the country. It was a fulfilling experience to hear what challenges we were all facing and to put our heads together to discuss creative solutions. I returned to my institution with a lot to share."

Blessie Mathew

Blessie Mathew

Director, Career Centre and Experiential Learning, University of Alberta

"The 2022 SEMM Forum was an excellent opportunity to learn about higher education enrolment strategies, tactics, issues and opportunities, and to network with recruitment, advancement and marcomm professionals from institutions across Canada."

Sharon Aschaiek

Sharon Aschaiek

Principal, Higher Ed Communications

"SEMM Forum is a great way to bring brilliant minds together to tackle challenges that we all experience and bring awareness to how we can better support our students and institutions. I always come away with new ideas and ways to do my job better."

Michelle Dittmer

Michelle Dittmer

President & Co-Founder, Canadian Gap Year Association

"Every presentation I attended was well prepared, delivered professionally and had clear takeaways. It doesn't matter if you have been in the field for less than two years or 15 years. You will leave with knowledge you can start applying now."

Chanelle Landriault

Chanelle Landriault

Recruitment Manager, Le Collège Boréal

"I have been at the SEMM Forum Conference multiple times, and I find that this is one of the best conferences for enrolment professionals in the University system in Canada, on an annual basis. It has been a superb conference every year. Every year we have had an opportunity to network with fellow professionals. Every year we learn a little bit more. Every university goes through different challenges, different opportunities, and those are shared here. The learning is immense."

Gord Hunchak

Vice President, University Relations, First Nations University of Canada

"I love coming to this conference and hearing from colleagues. I always get new ideas, and it is great to see that universities and colleges from across the country are dealing with similar challenges and issues."

Shelby Verboven

Registrar, and Assistant Dean of Strategic Enrolment Management, University of Toronto Scarborough

"I am really excited to be at this event today because I get to meet a lot of people from various colleges and universities across Canada, and outside of Canada as well. It is a great opportunity to share insights, discuss everything happening in the post-secondary sector, and learn from one another."

Natalie Leung

Social Media Manager, Humber College

"As an Associate Vice Provost, Strategic Enrolment Management, at one of Canada's medical doctoral universities, I appreciate the opportunity to connect with a variety of individuals (senior leaders through to those new to the field) to discuss emerging topics, trends, and best practices. I have not attended in a few years, and it reminded me that our environmental and cultural contexts are continuously changing and it is important to keep engaged."

Alison Pickrell

Alison Pickrell

Assistant Vice Provost, SEM, University of Saskatchewan

"As someone who is new to the field of recruitment, the SEMM forum provides not only "point in time" information, but credible and informed speakers to deliver it. Content, format, collaboration, expert delivery and support all combine to provide a Canadian event with great perspective."

Georgine Van de Mosselaer

Georgine Van de Mosselaer

Director of Advancement, Booth University College

"The SEMM Forum is one of Canada's best opportunities to grow a deep understanding of enrolment management and marketing. The program is top-notch and so are the attendees; rarely do I see this type of high quality interaction between presenters and participants."

JP Rains

JP Rains

Director, Digital Strategy & Communications, Laurentian University

"The information presented was relevant to a wide range of post-secondary administrators. This is extremely important as communication between all levels of administration such as recruitment, marketing, student services, admissions and all other facets is needed in recruitment, retention and graduation initiatives."

Lorretta Neebar

Lorretta Neebar

Registrar & Director of Enrolment Management, University of Toronto Mississauga

"The SEMM Forum offers an insightful and engaging look at leading research and activity taking place across the higher-education landscape in Canada. It is a high-value learning opportunity for SEM professionals!"

Mark Kolanko

Mark Kolanko

Associate Registrar, Enrolment, St. Francis Xavier University

"I have worked in higher education communications for seven years but I just recently started a role focused on strategic recruitment communications. SEMM Forum was an incredibly timely and valuable introduction to a side of the student life cycle that is largely unfamiliar to me. I have some building blocks for success as I enter into this next chapter of my career. Thank you!"

Allie Downing

Allie Downing

Senior Communications Strategist, Recruitment & Admissions Enrolment Services, Wilfrid Laurier University

View All

2023 Speakers

(2024 speakers to be announced)

Alex Usher

Higher Education Strategy Associates

Allie Bear

Manager: Marketing and Communications Strategy, Recruitment & Admissions,
Wilfrid Laurier University

Andrew Klotz

Co-Founder and CEO,
Circuit Virtual Tours

Andrew Leopold

Director of Marketing and Communications,
Humber College

Chris Wilkins

SchoolFinder Group

Clint Thiessen

Student Recruitment Officer - Engagement,
Red River College Polytechnic

Craig Robinson

National Higher Education Advisory Leader,

Cristina Blesa

Associate Director, Marketing and Digital Engagement, International Enrolment,
Toronto Metropolitan University

Daniel Goulard

Student Recruitment Officer, Ontario High School Focus,
Nipissing University

Dr. Joe Stokes

AVP International and University Registrar,
Ontario Tech University

Dr. Lee Ann McKivor

University Registrar,
Memorial University of Newfoundland

Erika Wright

Digital Engagement and Campus Experiences Specialist,
University of Guelph-Humber

Felipe Matoso

Student Recruitment Officer, Marketing,
Red River College Polytechnic

Graham Donald

Founder & President,
Brainstorm Strategy Group

Hagar Effah

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario

Haley Prentice

Community Marketing Manager,
SchoolFinder Group

Hans Badillo Tellez

International Digital Marketing Coordinator,
Humber College

Isaac Garcia-Sitton

Executive Director, International Student Enrolment, Education and Inclusion,
Toronto Metropolitan University

Jamie Bramburger

Manager, Community and Student Affairs,
Algonquin College Pembroke Campus

Janene Christiansen

Registrar and Associate Vice-President, Strategic Enrolment,
George Brown College

Jared Lindzon

Freelance Journalist & Public Speaker

Jen Heard

Associate Registrar, Records & Systems,
University of Northern British Columbia

Jennifer Gilbert

Associate Director,
Carleton University

Jennifer Porter

Deputy Registrar,
Memorial University of Newfoundland

John Reid


Joy Borman

Manger, New Student Recruitment and Advising,
Humber College

Julie Peters

Vice President of Research,
Academica Group

Kayley Istace

Recruitment and Admissions Officer,
Alberta University of the Arts

Kirk Kelly

CRi - Customer Relationship Index Inc.

Lindsey Fair

Associate Vice President, Communications and Marketing,
University of Victoria

Melissa Melo

Manager, Marketing and Student Recruitment,
University of Guelph-Humber

Natalie Leung

Social Media Manager,
Humber College

Nathalie Mejia

Manager Higher Education Transformation,

Nina Bilimoria Angelo

Chief Marketing Officer,

Rachelle Munchinsky

Manager, Student Experience & Planning,
University of Northern British Columbia

Richard Mitchell

Manager of Access and Inclusion, Undergraduate Admission and Recruitment,
Queen's University

Ryan Snowdon

Strategic Enrolment Management Lead, Faculty of Arts and Science,
Queen's University

Sean Williams

Dashboard Marketing

Shelby Verboven

Registrar and Associate Dean, Strategic Enrolment Management,
University of Toronto Scarborough

Shoshannah Bennett-Dwara

Recruitment Representative, Undergraduate Admission and Recruitment,
Queen’s University

Sohrab Rahmaty

Lead Researcher and Writer,

Stephen Flaherty

Senior Consultant, Higher Education Transformation,

Susan Burhoe

Coordinator of Programs, Centre for Initiatives in Education ,
Carleton University

Susan Kates

Professor & Program Coordinator, Entrepreneurial Enterprise Business Management Program,
Humber College

Tanis Boak

Deputy Registrar, Enrolment Services,
Humber College

Tyler Levesque

Student Recruitment Officer, Domestic High School Focus,
Nipissing University

Victoria Wells

Manager, Student Recruitment and Wellness Centre,
Bow Valley College

Wendy Curtis

Dean, International,
Fanshawe College

Conference Program

The 2024 SEMM Forum Conference program will be announced in July 2024. You can view last year's program here.

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Need Approval to Attend?
Download the Business Case.

Attending the SEMM Forum Conference is a great investment to support the success of students and your institution.

It’s probably obvious to you that attending would be great for your professional development. The more expertise (and broader network) you bring to your work, the better.

But your boss might need a little more convincing. So, we’ve created a template you can use to prepare your business case and persuade your leaders that attending will be an excellent investment. Click the button below to download the template.

Download Business Case Download the Business Case

Full 2-Day Conference


$995 $1,500

per person

Early-bird rate valid until
July 26

Group of 3 to 5

$895.50 $1,350

per person

Early-bird rate valid until
July 26

Group of 6 or more

$796 $1,200

per person

Early-bird rate valid until
July 26

Special Tickets

Pre-Conference Workshop

$345 $695


Early-bird rate valid until
July 26

1-Day Registration

$645 $995

per person

Early-bird rate valid until
July 26


$1,200 $1,500

per person

Early-bird rate valid until
July 26


Are you trying to calculate and/or hold a rate for your group? Is payment by credit card a challenge? Let us know and we'd be pleased to help. Click the "Need Information?" button below or email with any questions that you have.

Register Now Register Now Need Information

Registered Charity - Registration Discount

If you're employed by a registered charity, please send an email to Jennifer Powell outlining your organizations involvement in the Canadian post-secondary sector.
Please include your registered charity number in the subject line.


Expand FAQ
Is the SEMM Forum Conference right for me?

Are you involved in attracting, recruiting, or engaging students in their post-secondary experience in Canada? If the answer is yes, then the SEMM Forum Conference is right for you. This includes strategic enrolment leaders, marketers, recruiters, registrars, senior administration, deans, student services and other professionals. Check out the “Who Should Attend?” section here.

Expand FAQ
What's the benefit of a program focused on Canadian practices?

We’re Canadian, eh? SEM is very different in other countries. We believe that when professionals learn from peers at other institutions who have similar goals, students, systems and constraints and share Canadian-made solutions across silos, organizational goals can be achieved, and students benefit as a result. The SEMM Forum provides an opportunity for everyone on campus to have a positive and sustainable impact on the institutional outcomes that support student success.

Expand FAQ
Is this conference entirely in-person, virtual or hybrid?

The conference is entirely in-person. You can be confident knowing that the conference team is taking all public health measures very seriously. We will follow guidelines at all times and request that our delegates follow them.

2023 Sponsors

If you're interested in sponsoring the 2024 In-Person SEMM Forum Conference, please contact Jennifer Powell, at to learn about available opportunities. To view the 2023 sponsorship package, please click here.



